Saturday, February 27, 2021

More boardgames in Feb

 Hi guys.

Hope all of you are feeling healthy.

Here the MCO is starting to start being loosen up. My place are currently under CMCO while others are in RMCO or still MCO. Either way, things are looking good right now. Infection rate in going down, and vaccine have reached our country.

So, although it is getting better right now, please keep maintaining physical distance, wear mask, use hand sanitiser, and always keep clean.

Anyway, this will be a short update. My company is in the midst of setting up in a new location and things are really busy. My hectic schedule have prevented me from playing games, hence I only able to buy games (pity me).

This time I acquired Zombicide 3, Marvel United, Fruit Spy and Dice masters (X-Men vs Avengers). All of these are preloved items and I'm loving it. Spare cash in hand = more games to buy hehehehe

Soooo many games, but no time to play (sad face huhuhuhuhu)

Well, for now I'll just collect all the games I want first. Once the work settled down, me got more play time!!!!!!!

So until then.

Stay safe.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Boardgames on Feb

 Hi guys.

First of all, let me wish to all my Chinese friends a Happy Chinese New Year. May the Year of the Metal Ox brings you abundance of good health, happiness, fortune and prosperity through out the year. Gong Xi Fa Cai.

On another note, we are still in the midst of MCO. The Fed govs have extended the period, thus making it harder for all of us. Nevertheless, please continue taking care of your hygiene, wear mask and use hand sanitizer while you are outside, and always keep your social distance.

Ok, PSA done.

This time around I tried and played the boardgames I've acquired last month. Of course with my lovely wife and son we tried playing all the games. For Planet and Photosynthesis, the game is quite straight forward so they can understand and play the games fairly easy.

However, to my surprise, Fable Stuffs is not to their liking. I thought that having a board game with cute miniature design for playing with children will keep their attention. Boy I was wrong. The wife & son somehow feels that the concept of legacy games, games with story telling like this and Gloomhaven is too heavy and tiring. They prefer a quick game type where you play and end the games within 30 minutes or so and done with it. With legacy games, they need to keep track on the storyline and the present situation of the games, thus taxing them in terms of their focus in the games. They are able to keep their attention in the first story, but once we entered the third story they just roll the dice just for the sake of rolling and finishing their turn. 

It is a surprise to me when I saw them like that during gameplay. The feeling was lost and we ended the game. So, I think for the time being I had to drop out the idea of getting the legacy type games, at least until the son is older and I will try again to see if he is interested in these type of games.

So, until then.

Stay safe.